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man maakt selfie terwijl er een haai aankomt. beeld voor blog vuurwerk over

How to make social media work for you?

Social media have become an integral part of our lives. They have enraptured the whole world and there is no company, organization or brand that isn’t trying to get some of that attention. But how to achieve that? In this article, we’ll tell you how to make social media work for you.

Combining knowledge

As a social media bureau, we at Vuurwerk are specialists at developing enticing online content. We help our customers grow by making full use of everything the internet has to offer. Knowledge we love to share! The topics below have all been developed into full articles before, but it’s in combining them that their real value becomes apparent. Get the most out of your social media by adding all these techniques and concepts together.

1. Writing first aid

It is often said that people no longer read. And yes, it is true that “we” in general are rapidly losing interest in reading, shifting instead to a culture geared towards images. Despite that, the written word remains a crucial part of your marketing mix—but how to write that perfect message for your customers? For an overview of do’s and don’ts, we have a list of 15 tips to improve communication, but if you’d like to go a little deeper… Read our entry on why blogging is the key to marketing success. Blogs and social media go hand in hand. Having trouble getting your writing right? We are happy to set up a hands-on writing course for you or your employees.

2. The power of content

How to fill your social media channels? This is where content marketing rears its head. It differs from more traditional marketing by offering valuable and engaging content to your target audience, rather than simply trying to sell them something. Seducing, instead of pushing! Read all about the strategic side of content marketing here. Once you’ve convinced yourself of its use, you will probably think of the logical next question: But what is good content?.

3. Advertise

Once you have a well-written and polished content strategy in place, you can start making the most of it. By boosting your content with ads on Facebook or Google, for instance. But by all means, think beyond the usual advertising possibilities. There are so many options out there if you think outside the box: for example, why not become sponsor to a sports club? The possibilities are endless and we’d love to discuss them with you.

4. To measure is to know

At Vuurwerk, we firmly believe in the power of analytics. The time you could post on social media haphazardly and achieve success is long gone. Smart entrepreneurs make sure their publications are managed and measured from a central point. Online software enables you to manage all your channels at once, but its real value is in the insights it offers. Which messages do better than others? What are the trends and terms associated with your brand?

5. Increase engagement

One of the most important (and trickiest) elements to keep an eye on is your audience’s level of engagement. Say, you place a story on Instagram and see that it was viewed by one hundred people. Can we then state that these viewers are actually engaged? An audience that feels connected to your company, your mission, your message: that is what you want to achieve. But how to inspire, maintain, strengthen these feelings in people? In the past, we have created quizzes, challenges and giveaways for our clients. And at least as important: Vuurwerk has the in-house expertise to perfectly execute the technical aspects as well.

SEO: boost your ranking  📈
Improve your SEO with smart strategies like keyword research, site speed, and link building. Stay ahead of the competition!

Let your brand pop

Have you gotten inspired by all this to really put your social media channels to work for you? Don’t wait any longer and contact us, we’ll show you some fireworks!

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