Schrijf jouw pr plan - man met zonnebril op gele achtergrond

Write your PR plan

How will you reach your audience? The answer to that is written in your PR plan.

PR, or public relations, contains all the communication aimed at your audience. This technically includes your website, corporate identity and other facets of the marketing plan—but here we will focus on the messages you actively send out into the world to “make headlines”.

How often does your organization make the news? And how do you stay on message to your target audience? What are the ways to get into the public eye? By writing down your company’s PR strategy in a document, you will have an answer to all these questions.

Things that should be in your PR plan:

  • Formulating your goals, target audience, media preferences and means. This will form the basis of your strategy: when you have these down, the rest gets easier. In case you already detailed this in your marketing strategy, feel free to use it.
  • The specific PR messages you will develop. Would you like a bi-monthly newsletter? Daily posts on social media? Seminars or trainings for clients? Networking afternoons? Press events? Sponsorships for athletes or your local football club? Cooperation with charities? It is worth the effort to have a good brainstorm here—and Vuurwerk can assist you with this.
  • What are good opportunities for free publicity? Marketing can be as expensive as you want it to be. To save costs it is possible to lean into existing events or happenings. We have examples aplenty in our portfolio.
  • Set up templates. Depending on the media outings you plan to make, it might be useful to think ahead what these should look like. This way, you keep a tight design leash on all your press releases, tweets, blogs, e-mails, etc. This is beneficial to your brand’s recognizability. Do refer back to your corporate identity document to assist you in this.
  • Do you expect lots of inquiries by the press? In that case it is worthwhile writing a Q&A list containing the most common questions and the desired responses for you and your employees. With that in hand, you can be certain your company will never be anything less than professional.

Get an expert involved

Putting together a PR plan might seem simple, but it actually takes a ton of experience and media savvy to make the right choices. Let us help you in this endeavor! We have all the expertise necessary to create a great plan, so contact us here.

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