Companies waiting to be connected, solar farms switched off and regional outages: our overworked power grid frequently makes headlines. These problems aren’t exactly new, though. National network operators have been hard at work behind the scenes for years to come up with solutions.

Smart solutions for the Dutch power grid
Their insights should be shared far and wide. That is why Vuurwerk produced a series of videos for energy network operator Liander in 2019, detailing the issues of that time. How to successfully manage the growing demand for new connections and the increasingly variable burden on the power grid? We boiled this complicated, technical problem down to a series of videos about ‘quick wins’ under the title Smart Design.
Making better use of the grid
By allowed employees to explain the matters they understand better than most, we offered insight into the many difficulties surrounding the energy transition. The solution we communicated, and which today is still the preferred one, is to give it wings using existing infrastructure. A necessary move, since it is impractical and too costly to completely renew the power grid. This message is still as relevant today as it was back then, as the grid, despite great efforts, is still not future-proofed everywhere and the waiting list for new connections is historically high due to the rise of large-scale solar energy production.
There are already a lot of cables for the industry.
Strong wind and a lot of sun at the same time almost never occur.
Also use back-up cables, which are only there in case of a malfunction.
Besides the above videos, we also regularly create animations and instruction videos for Liander,
a selection of which you can view here.
Energizing the conversation
We love being asked to help find solutions for complex problems such as these. We do that of course using our own specialties: communication, employing media, establishing connections between people. Look no further than our Vuurwerk guarantees to learn our method: “How can we really help our clients forward?” We see how organizations like Liander are doing their utmost to solve the problems with our power grid, now and in the future, and are glad to help them achieve that.