We produced a series of animated “live drawing” videos for energy network operator Liander, effectively communicating highly complex subjects in the clearest manner possible.
Animations for Liander
Solar and wind combination
The sun rarely shines when the wind is blowing—and vice versa. Because of this, generating wind and solar power work perfectly in succession.
Temporary disconnection
The electric grid is rather “thin” in rural areas. Demand for power was historically low in these sparsely populated regions. Ever since the arrival of renewable energy, though, this is rapidly changing.
The emergency lane
Starting at January 1st 2021, Liander will use the “emergency lane” during “energy rush hour” as a way to meet the increasing demand for additional net capacity for the production of renewable energy.
Flex power
The Netherlands are seeing more and more electric cars, all of them charged through the power grid. But will it have enough capacity as electric takes over gasoline in the future?
Direct current
The Dutch power grid is constructed according to worldwide standards, namely alternating current (AC). And this system works. However, nowadays increasing numbers of appliances and illumination require a different kind of electricity: direct current (DC).
The communal battery
As profits from supplying energy back to the system will go down in the future, it is getting more attractive to store your renewably produced energy yourself. This way, you can use that energy during the day whenever you want.